How do I get multiple values by a array and display this Places in Google Maps?

I’m working in a project, in Meteor based on NodeJS, I need create “markers” (Places) on the map via Google Maps API.
These markers are in a “list” array

    let list = Offers.find({});
    list = [
      place: "Teste2",
      offer: "Teste Offer2",
      loc: {
        coordinates: [-50.1681836, -25.0869446]
      place: "Teste1",
      offer: "Teste Offer1",
      loc: {
        coordinates: [-40.1681836, -20.0869446]

And these respective locations must be displayed on the map, each location with its respective marker…

    let count = 0;
    list.forEach(function(offer) {
      // Animation Timeout
      setTimeout(function() {
        // Add the marker on the map
        let marker = new google.maps.Marker({
          position: {lat: offer.loc.coordinates[1], lng: offer.loc.coordinates[0]},
          map: map.instance,
          animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP

        // Create the string into the infowindow
        let contentString = '<p><strong>' + + '</strong></p>' +
        '<p>' + offer.offer + '</p>';

        // Add the infowindow for each marker
        marker.addListener('click', function() {
, marker);
      }, count * 200);


However, just shown is only the first array position (“Teste2”), not all multiple values ​​by “list”.