I have my client set up to subscribe as follows:
Tracker.autorun(function() {
if (Session.get('audit-id')) {
Audit.sub_handle = Meteor.subscribe(
} else {
if (Audit.sub_handle) {
I have the corresponding publication set up as follows:
Meteor.publish('audit', function(audit_id) {
if (this.userId) {
x = Audits.findOne({audit_id: audit_id});
if (x) {
widget_ids = d3.set();
_.each(x.widgets, function(widget) {
return [
Audits.find({audit_id: audit_id}),
{widget_id: {'$in': widget_ids.values()} }
else {
console.log('no audits with audit_id: '+audit_id);
My problem is that there is no document in the Audits collection with the given audit_id when the client first subscribes.
When I see it run, I see the output “no audits with audit_id: the_audit_id”
However, the document with that audit_id is added a few seconds later (anywhere from a split second later to 8-10 seconds later). I would like the publication to push the data up to the client when the document is added. How can I accomplish this?