How do I target a subschema in Vazco Uniforms AutoFields omitFields?

So let’s say I have a simpl-schema like this:

    const SomeItem = new Mongo.Collection("someitems");
    Schemas.SomeItem = new SimpleSchema({
        _id: {
            type: String,
            autoValue: function() { return; },
        normalvalue: String,
        hiddenvalue: String,
        }, {
        /* Options for cleaning up the input before insert/update */
        clean: {
            filter: true,
            autoConvert: true,
            removeEmptyStrings: true,
            trimStrings: true,
            getAutoValues: true,
            removeNullsFromArrays: true,

    const SomeItemList = new Mongo.Collection("someitemlist");

    Schemas.SomeItemList = new SimpleSchema({
        _id: {
            type: String,
            autoValue: function() { return; },
            label: false,
        title: String,
        SomeItems: {
            type: Array,
            optional: true,
        "SomeItems.$": Schemas.SomeItem,
        unhidablevalue: String,
    }, {
        /* Options for cleaning up the input before insert/update */
        clean: {
            filter: true,
            autoConvert: false,
            removeEmptyStrings: true,
            trimStrings: true,
            getAutoValues: true,
            removeNullsFromArrays: true,

And then I have a form like this:

    const SomeItemListForm = (props) =>
            // pre-populate model with auto values
            model={ Schemas.SomeItemList.clean({}) }
            schema={ Schemas.SomeItemList }
                omitFields={ [
                    "unhidablevalue", // This doesn't work
                    "SomeItems.unhidablevalue", // This also doesn't work
                    "SomeItems.$._id", // Also doesn't hide the id
                    "SomeItems.$.unhidablevalue", // Also not working
                ] }
            <ErrorsField />
            <SubmitField />

So the problem is that the _id field and unhidablevalue are showing up in the subschema (SomeItems) part of the form despite trying to target omitting it in various ways. Inspecting the element the name of the field is like SomeItems.0._id. How am I supposed to omit these fields, is omitFields working for sub schemas at all? Should I abandon this method and try another more verbose solution?