I followed the excellent tutorial on managing Roles with an HOC under React : https://hackernoon.com/role-based-authorization-in-react-c70bb7641db4
My React HOC is :
const AuthorizationHOC = (allowedRoles) => (WrappedComponent) => {
return class WithAuthorization extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
user: {
name: 'vcarl',
role: 'admin' // <= should instead come from Meteor through meteorRoles prop / withTracker
render() {
const {role} = this.state.user;
if (allowedRoles.includes(role)) {
return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />
else {
return <div/>
It worked as expected, f.ex :
AuthorizationHOC(['manager', 'admin'])(SubscribersAdmin);
I then tried to pass the role data to the HOC as this.props.meteorRole using withTracker :
export default AuthorizationHOCMeteorContainer = withTracker(() => {
return {
meteorRoles: 'admin'
but after several hours I still fail with an AuthorizationHOC is not a function error !
I suppose it’s quite obvious but I can’t get it! If someone could help