How parse xml http get return before insert mongo?

Hi, i use this method to get xml return an http.get

you can see xml return with: view-source:

maybe it is better to use xml -> json ?

eveapiinsert: function () {
var self = this;
try {
var response = HTTP.get(“”);
//var result = xml2json(response.content);
//return Posts.find();


catch(error) {



I come to you to seek your opinion,

i get every time:

`Exception in callback of async function: Error: key $ must not start with ‘$’

How to solve this?


i dont understand how can i parse object before mongodb insert

console.log(resulta.evec_api.marketstat); —> return -> type: [ [Object] ]

xmlDemo: function () {
var self = this;
try { 'GET', '', {}, function( error, response ) {
  if ( error ) {
    console.log( error );
  } else {
	var resulta = xml2js.parseStringSync(response.content);

catch(error) {

The key to answering this is to make sure you clearly understand what you’re getting back. As you have deduced, a good way to do this is to console.log the results. However, on its own console.log is very helpful. Here’s what I did to understand what is going on (and the result is maybe not quite what you thought). Note the use of JSON.stringify to get a more helpful log.

in server/main.js

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { xml2js } from 'meteor/peerlibrary:xml2js';

Meteor.startup(() => {
  try {
    const response = HTTP.get("");
    const result = xml2js.parseStringSync(response.content);
  } catch (error) {

As you will see, this is not in a method and no client code is needed. Starting meteor results in this:

  "evec_api": {
    "$": {
      "version": "2.0",
      "method": "marketstat_xml"
    "marketstat": [
        "type": [
            "$": {
              "id": "29668"
            "buy": [
                "volume": [
                "avg": [
                "max": [
                "min": [
                "stddev": [
                "median": [
                "percentile": [
            "sell": [
                "volume": [
                "avg": [
                "max": [
                "min": [
                "stddev": [
                "median": [
                "percentile": [
            "all": [
                "volume": [
                "avg": [
                "max": [
                "min": [
                "stddev": [
                "median": [
                "percentile": [

Hopefully, that will point you in the right direction to a solution, but if not, please shout up! :slight_smile:

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