How to add a package without using Atmosphere?


I’m quite new to MeteorJS 1.3 and I wanted to ask if it’s possible for me to include a css framework neither from AtmosphereJS nor NPM. If it’s possible, how do I go about it?


You can do that.

For example, Bootstrap has instructions on including its CSS framework with some elements that you can copy into your html.

Hi @esteban ,

Have you heard of Toast.css by Daniel Eden? I want to use this as my grid system for my current idea :wink:

Thank you!

I haven’t heard of Toast. It looks like a good grid system.

You can just copy the toast.css file into your app’s directory and Meteor will include it automatically. Then it should work as soon as you add the appropriate html classes to your elements.

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It’s really good, minimalist and small too!

Thank you once again :wink: