I am currently investigating this topic, as I have multiple apps that should share the same login.
I was thinking about two possible approaches here:
A - Replicating the Meteor.users
- Not much to “code”, more of a deployment configuration
- I have the guarantee, that logins will work out of the box (do I?)
- feels somehow wrong to just copy-paste users (anyone has serious doubts on this?)
- not sure about scalability here, too (consider one or two more Meteor apps joining the party…)
B - Providing an oAuth authentication server (to Provide Meteor.loginWith)
- scalability / performance
- as far as I can see, there is no package or similar out there for that, so it seems that I have to implement the server + the packages myself --> lots of code and time to invest
What do you guys think? Anyone here with experience on that or a third option?