How to convert js file running with nodejs into method in meteor?

I’m trying to convert the content file as below and run nodejs to Import CSV data into PostgreSQL to a method in meteor to replace running with nodejs , please help me :((

const fs = require(‘fs’)
const pg = require(‘pg’)
// config db
const PG_HOST = ‘localhost’
const PG_PORT = ‘5432’
const PG_DATABASE = ‘sss’
const PG_USER = ‘postgres’
const PG_PASSWORD = ‘0’
// config folder path
const DIR_PATH = ‘./uploaded_data’
const pool = new pg.Pool({
host: PG_HOST,
port: PG_PORT,
database: PG_DATABASE,
user: PG_USER,
password: PG_PASSWORD,
function run () {
let files = readDir()
let p = Promise.resolve()
files.forEach((file) => {
let { event, event_station } = readFile(file)
p = p.then(() => {
return insertEvent(event)
}).then(({ rows: [{ id }] }) => {
console.log(‘insert event’)
let arr = => {
elem.event_id = id
return insertEvent_station(elem)
return Promise.all(arr)
}).then(() => {
console.log(‘insert event_station’)
function readDir () {
let result =
let years = fs.readdirSync(DIR_PATH).filter(e => e.match(/[1]{4}$/))
years.forEach((year) => {
let months = fs.readdirSync(${DIR_PATH}/${year}).filter(e => e.match(/[2]{2}$/))
months.forEach((month) => {
let files = fs.readdirSync(${DIR_PATH}/${year}/${month})
files.forEach((file) => {
return result
function readFile (path) {
let content = fs.readFileSync(path).toString()
let lines = content.split(’\r\n’)
let headerLine = lines.findIndex(e => e.match(/ STAT /))
let event = {}
let m = path.match(//([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})(L|R).S([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})$/)
event.datetime = new Date(Number(m[6]), Number(m[7]) - 1, Number(m[1]), Number(m[2]), Number(m[3]), Number(m[4]))
let m1 = lines[0].match(/L +([0-9]+.[0-9]+) +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)/)
if (m1 != null) { = m1[1]
event.long = m1[2]
let pathName = path.split(//(?=[^/]+$)/g)
event.file_data_name = pathName[1]
event.file_data_path = pathName[0]
let event_station =
let keys = lines[headerLine].match(/[^ ]+/g)
keys = keys.filter((e, i) => keys.indexOf(e) === i)
keys = => {
let start = lines[headerLine].search(new RegExp((?<=[ ])${key}(?=( |$))))
let key1 = key.toLowerCase()
return { key, key1, start }
lines.slice(headerLine + 1).forEach((elem) => {
if (elem.match(/\S/)) {
let o = keys.reduce((obj, { key, key1, start }, ind) => {
let length = key.length
let temp = elem.match(new RegExp((-?[^ -]*(?![ ]))?(?<=^.{${start}})(.{${length}})((?<![ ])[^ -]+)?))
if (temp[1] && ind > 0 && temp.index < (keys[ind - 1].start + keys[ind - 1].key.length)) {
obj[key1] = null
} else {
obj[key1] = temp[0].replace(/[3]+|+$/g, ‘’) || null
return obj
}, {})
return { event, event_station }
function insertEvent (event) {
let values =
let s1 = ‘’
let s2 = ‘’
let cols = [‘datetime’, ‘lat’, ‘long’, ‘ml’, ‘md’, ‘ms’, ‘mw’, ‘geometry’, ‘source’, ‘file_data_name’, ‘file_data_path’, ‘mseed_name’, ‘mseed_path’]
cols.forEach((col, ind) => {
if (ind > 0) {
s1 += ', ’
s2 += ', ’
s1 += "${col}"
if (col === ‘geometry’) {
s2 += ST_SetSRID(ST_Point($${values.push(event.long)}, $${values.push(}), 4326)
} else {
s2 += $${values.push(event[col])}
return pool.query(
INSERT INTO "event" (${s1}) SELECT ${s2} RETURNING "id",
function insertEvent_station (event_station) {
let values =
let s1 = ‘’
let s2 = ‘’
let cols = [‘event_id’, ‘station_id’, ‘sp’, ‘iphasw’, ‘d’, ‘hrmm’, ‘secon’, ‘code’, ‘amplit’, ‘peri’, ‘azimu’, ‘velo’, ‘ain’, ‘ar’, ‘tres’, ‘w’, ‘dis’, ‘caz7’]
cols.forEach((col, ind) => {
if (ind > 0) {
s1 += ', ’
s2 += ', ’
s1 += "${col}"
if (col === ‘station_id’) {
s2 += (SELECT "id" FROM "station" WHERE "name" = $${values.push(event_station.stat)} LIMIT 1)
} else {
s2 += $${values.push(event_station[col])}
return pool.query(
INSERT INTO "event_station" (${s1}) SELECT ${s2} ,

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Why you need to convert it to meteor? Where is the code coming from? Please give some background info

sorry i was careless, I want to import data from uploaded files folder into postgreSQL

You should study these things:

  • how to write and run meteor method
  • how to upload file
  • how to read CSV file (uploaded)
  • how to work with your sql database

Thanks for your comment, i will learn more