How to debug the "sign in to network " on android devices

Hi guys i ve written an app that gets displayed to any client that tries to log into our network.The app is written in meteor/react and performs well on pc browsers and mobile ones(chrome,phx…).Nethertheless as it is a captive portal, android and iphones directly load it in a webview titled Sign in to network and my app is shown but without the ui(only the background image is shown). Is there a way to debug my app on those platforms??? ive tried remote debugging using chrome but it cant intercept that webview…

Please help me guys…

Please i need to be able to fix that javascript error soon please provide tips for me to use…how to debug contents of a sign in to network type of webview?

I know this question is like 3 years old at this point. But I stumbled across this question while asking it myself so thought I would share the answer for any future searchers who stumble across this (as I hope OP hasn’t been waiting 3 years for an answer and figured it out themselves).

The console of the webview thats displayed when executing javascript on a captive portal on android is dumped to LOGCAT. So if you run adb logcat and then execute the page you will see any error messages your JS is spiting out.