Hello Guys, has anyone deployed meteor app using now.sh https://zeit.co/now/ . I tried with demeteorizer
it did not work. And now.sh even supports dockerfile deployment but i dont have knowledge how to do with dockerfile or kadirahq/meteord
. If anyone deployed it successfully please provide some instructions on how to deploy it.
Looking for the answer too, I found this: https://twitter.com/zeithq/status/739108002884509696
Looks like we’ll have to wait for Meteor 1.5 first
A @mazlix and I created a CLI tool called meteor-now
that deploys any 1.1+ Meteor app to now.sh. You can even get a free MongoDB instance bundled with your app by just typing meteor-now
in your project folder just like you used to with meteor deploy
I’ve written a medium post with more information on how it works.
Please give it a try and let us know if you run into any issues.