How to Do Notifications?

How can I notify the user? In Google Chrome, alerting will make the website in focus. In Safari, the browser icon jumps up and down. This, however, does not work in Internet Explorer and Firefox. Is there a way to either make the website in focus or make the browser icon jump up or down? If it is not possible, how can I do the notifications that Meteor Forums use?

I believe the forms use Chrome’s new push notifications API

Bear in mind this is only in the newest version of Chrome, though other browsers will probably follow eventually.

Thanks for your reply. However, I cannot go to this webpage (probably blocked by China). :fearful:
Can you provide another webpage?

Notifications API from mozilla

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Try here:

Thank you! This website works.

This does not work, but thanks anyway.

I suppose you are looking for Browser Based Notification System, Few days ago I was also looking for same stuffs so i gathered few links. I hope it will help you.