How to get FlowRouter params in getMeteorData?

FlowRouter.route('/community/:slug', {
    action() {
        ReactLayout.render(App, { content: <CommunityLanding /> });

Example = React.createClass({
    mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
    getMeteorData() {
        return {
            // Get :slug here to subscribe?

    render() {
        return (

How can I get the URL parameters to subscribe within my components?

Looks like I can use FlowRouter.getParam("slug"). Testing…

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Another option would be to pass the slug as a property from the route.

For example:

FlowRouter.route('/community/:slug', {
    action(params) {
        ReactLayout.render(App, { content: <CommunityLanding slug={params.slug} /> });

Cool, thank you :thumbsup: