How to include scss files in package

Hi, I am trying to include scss files from package. I want to include Google’s material design lite css into package. So far I have this package js.

I can add it using meteor add command but files are not getting served. Can someone please help me what I am missing here?

// package metadata file for Meteor.js

var packageName = 'oceansgem:materialize';
var packageVersion = '0.1.0';
var where = 'client';  // where to install: 'client', 'server', or ['client', 'server']

  name: packageName,
  summary: 'Material Design lite from Google',
  version: packageVersion + '_2',
  git: ''

Package.onUse(function (api) {
  api.use('fourseven:scss', 'client');
  // api.imply('fourseven:scss@1.0.0');


// Resets and dependencies

// Components