How to insert a template with click button

Greetings to the whole community, I would like to know how I can insert a template by clicking on a button in the current template, I am using Template.dynamic but it does not work as I want, Template.dynamic removes the current templates and leaves me only the new one, I will leave you the code so you can better detail my problem,

<template name="main">
{{>Template.dynamic template=one}}
<template name="second">
<button>insert something template</button>
{{>Template.dynamic template=two}}
<template name="something">
<h1>example something</h1>


'click button'(event){

insert second in main It works well but, when click button for insert “something”, template main and second disappear, and is alone somethinf in the DOM, I want the new template to appear along with the others that are already