How to launch ToDo app so downloaded iOS app is fully synchronized to desktop App?

From my understanding

$ meteor

launches web app says

Running on an iPhone or iPad (Mac Only; requires Apple developer account)

If you have an Apple developer account, you can also run your app on an iOS device. Run the following command:

meteor run ios-device
This will open Xcode with a project for your iOS app. You can use Xcode to then launch the app on any device or simulator that Xcode supports.

If you want to point your app at the previously deployed server, run:

meteor run ios-device --mobile-server

So now I have app in iOS device, but it is not synced to the web app?


You will have to build it to make it work :smile:

Once builded open the xcode project file.
Select Generic iOS device in the top left simulator dropdown,
(re)set your parameters in the main window.
And now the ipa build in the Product menu select Archive and follow the questions flow by :apple: