How to make a call to find() synchronous?

I have the following ES6 class and need to wait for the getAppearances function to return before the program flow continues, i.e. synchronously - how do I do this?

class MyClass {

    constructor() {

    getAppearances(id) {
        return MyColl.find({

export { MyClass as default};

const c = new MyClass;
if( c.getAppearances > 0 ){

use Meteor.wrapAsync

    //turn async function into synchronous
    asyncFunc = function (callback) {
            //async stuff here
        MyColl().find('stuff', function () {
    syncFunc = Meteor.wrapAsync(asyncFunc);

Is callback necessary?

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yes, just call it wen you thing your sync function should end (can be in multiple places)

I discovered that .find() is synchronous by design.