I’m looking to generate this token myself rather than have Meteor automatically generate it in the reset password email. My goal is so user’s don’t have to leave the app. My plan is just to send the token directly to the client application, and then let them use the token to reset the password using Accounts.resetPassword(token, newPassword)
I’m already confirming their ownership of the email manually myself with a generated a 5 digit code I email them, which they can see as a push notification generated by their email app and enter within the app without ever having to go check their email and click a link, which is what I’m trying to avoid since it’s annoying to the user.
Also note: it’s not that I’m trying to avoid the development work of implementing iOS Universal Links to have the app intercept the URL and then parse the token out of it when the webpage automatically redirects back to the app–though avoiding that mess is a win as well.
So what’s the code used on the server to generate the reset password token? And perhaps is there a way to call it from the client while blocking the delivery of the corresponding email?