How to open 2 iOS Simulator?

I have mobile server on Galaxy and succeed to connect to iOS simulator. I need to simulate interaction between 2 different users on iOS Simulator and testing whether realtime pub subs really work between 2 different users.

With chrome, I could simply open 1 normal chrome and 1 incognito chrome. How do I open 2 iOS Simulator?

I did

cd /Applications/
open -n

but another one just showing iOS simulator with black screen

Thanks for any help

Is the native Cordova functionality really what you need to test? Things like pub sub is just testable with browsers?

Hi @lucfranken. Yes it’s work with browser. Don’t know with cordova

The code running is the same so 2 browsers should be fine unless you want to test things like push messages which is native functionality provided by Cordova.

If you want to test that 2 user accounts respond automatically you can write some chimp tests which login and logout to check if you see the right data.

Testing that pub sub works would even be doable but in general you would not have to test that kind of platform logic. It is tested by the platform tests and not part of your application.

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