How to pass extra props down to children of

I have been trying to pass extra props own to the children being created with the .map function but I have not been able to succeed in passing them succesfully.

This is my code:

    export const CommentsListShanghai = (props) => {
      const newTimestamp = props.timestamp;
      const comments = props.comments;
      if (comments.length > 0 ) {
       return (
        <ButtonToolbar className="comment-list">
        { => {
          return ( 
            com.adminSpark ? 
                key={ com._id } 
                comment={ com } 
                /> :
                key={ com._id } 
                comment={ com } 
                createdBy={com.createdBy} />
      } else {
        return (
          <Alert bsStyle="warning">No sparks yet. Please add some!</Alert>

    CommentsListShanghai.propTypes = {
      comments: React.PropTypes.array,

I am able to pass all the props of the comments const that I created, the problem is that besides these props I also need to pass an extra prop which is available in the CommentsListShanghai. How am I able to pass an extra props to this array?

I am able to console.log(newTimestamp) without a problem but don’t understand how I can pass it down to the .map function.

First off, you could do a bit of code cleanup to avoid repetition: => {
  const commonProps = {
    ..._pick(com, [
    comment: com,
    key: com._id,

  return ( 
    com.adminSpark ? 
        { ...commonProps }
      /> :
        { ...commonProps }

Be sure to add import _pick from 'lodash/pick' at the top of your file and make sure lodash is installed. I don’t import _ because I’ve had issues in the past with collisions with underscore.

As for your timestamp, I’m not really sure what’s going on with that. You define a new variable newTimestamp, but then pass props.newTimestamp. I think you wanna zap the props. part of that to just pass the timestamp in.

Thank you for taking the time to write this asnwer. And yes my code indeed could use some cleanup. It’s my first big project and I still have to learn how to write my code better.

What I was wondering, how can I then access the data-comments-modal props in my CommantsModal?

I have tried but that gives me an error that comments is not defined.

I’m not totally confident in this answer, but I wonder if maybe JSX doesn’t like the hyphens in the prop name? Try dataCommentsModal instead, and then access via this.props.dataCommentsModal. And you should see the value you passed in (newTimestamp).

haha, I thought for some odd reason that “data-” had to be used here, I don’t ever know why. But now I understand the whole thing a bit better again. Thanks for helping me out. I am able to read the value I need in my Modal now!
And thanks for the tips on cleaning up my code, it’s really something I want to learn to do better.

Would actually be a nice idea if there would be a platform where you can post your code so other people can check it and give advice on how to write the same code but better/cleaner.

Yeah, typically you only need data-blah-whatever if you’re using a plugin that needs those attributes. Since I’ve stopped using jQuery and jQuery plugins, I haven’t actually seen that since. :slight_smile:

My first reaction was to suggest StackOverflow, but I have a feeling if you posted just asking for code cleanup, your post would get downvoted pretty quickly! Maybe this forum is your best bet for now.