How to remove React-Devtools from production

how to remove React-Devtools from production ?

Add following script to your main.html’s head section:

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I use

if (Meteor.absoluteUrl() === '' && typeof window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === 'object') {
        window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject = () => {}
        window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.emit = () => {}
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__)) {
          if (typeof value === 'object') {
            window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__[key] = {}

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@paulishca where i should use this ?

You can use it in Meteor.startup (imports/ui/index.js) on the client side right before you do


or any other rendering or hydration.


Is this what I need to do to get rid of this error?

Doesn’t NODE_ENV=production work when you do meteor build?