How to restore mongoDb collection BSON backup files to docker meteor up?

Hello, please help me, I’m stuck.

I have made a backup from a mongoDb collection with the following command

mongodump -h --port 9001 -d meteor -c products

I have copied the dump folder recursively to my server with the following command

scp -r dump root@

I can not restore with the following command

docker exec -i mongodb mongorestore -d mew -c audioQuestions_Joker dump/meteor

the files are there but I get the following message 2020-01-12T11:38:10.863+0000 Failed: mongorestore target ‘dump/meteor’ invalid: stat dump/meteor: no such file or directory

What is the correct command to restore the collection backup from the BSON files?

Docker image abernix/meteord:node-8.4.0-base

Thank you

I think you are on you server, so you have a directory in /root with the name of database, right ?
you have to do:
docker exec -it mongodb mongorestore -d mew /root/[database folder]