How to Upload Files(doc,docx or pdf) in Meteor React

Hi I am Ousainou Jonga from The Gambia, West Africa.I am new in Meteor React and im tring to upload files(PDF, doc,docx,zip) using meteor react. can someone help me on how to implement it or packages to use to implement it

We use with an AWS S3 bucket. Fairly easy to setup and implement the necessary securities.

Although not React but this is a great guide:

Also depending on your implementation but Antd has a great easy uploader component:
but you can also just use a file input field.

Thank you @mrmsupport for the help as i was going through the packages you’ve mentioned above i came across with this package and ive implemented it succesfully.I could use the others because i dont have an amazon account and its pretty hard to get one from my end

@mrmsupport, now I tried to use uniforms-antd.
Could your example to upload file with uniforms-antd?
Thanks for your helping.

@devjonga could you share the backend / frontend code to make the file upload work? I only find the front end part of the Meteor React example, but I can not find the backend code :frowning: