How to use `Meteor + React Native`?

I found these packages, But which one stable?

I started using this , that is official package, but it is very old and I needed update some things to my project.

Then I create my fork…

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@raragao, Very thanks for your packages.
I will try soon.

Another solution is to switch to Apollo GraphQL.
I tried few packages but it was not good in term of performance / cache.

I know it’s a bit more work, but I’m really happy with this solution, using Apollo Client on the React-Native app

@Gilles, It mean that we integrate Apollo Server in Meteor.
And then use Apollo Client on React Native.
But the problem I would like to use Pub_Sub of Meteor OR Reactive Data/Realtime???
Please help me…

You can have subscriptions with GraphQL, it’s a bit different than Meteor DDP, but you will get a similar result.
It all depend on how much models you have to translate to graphQL Schema/Resolvers.
But working with graphql using @apollo/react-hooks is night and day comparing to deal with DDP and maybe Redux on the RN side.

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