How to use Spacebars / Blaze for this?


I am trying to develop a silly (!) app.

I have documents like this:

    "_id" : "6aaPNRDjxKvvWEWgg",
    "thingName" : "plane",
    "thingPlural" : "Planes",
    "keyDisplayTerm" : "boeing 747",
    "make" : "boeing",
    "model" : "747"

That’s the entire “database” - a collection of documents that say what they are - the “thingName” field essentially.

I can populate a dropdown at the top of the page by querying the “thingPlural” field, and getting the unique values. ie: a list that shows Planes, Cars, Trains, Sales Transactions, Parties, Cats, Dogs, Birds, Fish etc

So when someone chooses Planes from the dropdown, they’ll see a list of planes.
My keyDisplayTerm field is what gets displayed in the list of plane “things”

I’d rather have something like this:

    "_id" : "6aaPNRDjxKvvWEWgg",
    "thingName" : "plane",
    "thingPlural" : "Planes",
    "keyDisplayTerm" : "{{make}} {{model}}",
    "make" : "boeing",
    "model" : "747"

and be able to pass the value of keyDisplayTerm directly into a Blaze template with:

{{#each thing}}

Is this possible?

I’ve had a look at the guide:

but am getting a bit lost.

Maybe I can’t do what I’m thinking, and that’s ok - this is just a wild idea I have.

(For reference, I remember the old EAV v RDBMS arguments back in the day, and have had a look at, just so you know where I’m coming from in terms of storing data…)

Any and all ideas (or criticisms! “are you completely mad?”) are most welcome.