How to wait for a subscription to be ready in a React container

I have this container and I would like to be able to wait for the subscription - how can I do this?

export default createContainer(({ params }) => {
    const dataHandle = Meteor.subscribe('lists');
    const dataIsReady = dataHandle.ready();
    return {
        data: dataIsReady ? Lists.find() : []
}, ListTable);
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in your ListTable component, wrap the component in

if (this.props.dataIsReady) {}

Like this?

render() {
            return (
                if (this.props.dataIsReady) {
                    <div className="table-format-1">
                        <table id="listTable">
const renderComponent = this.props.dataIsReady ? (
    <div className="table-format-1">
           <table id="listTable"></table>
) : "";

render() {
    return {renderComponent}
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