Howto Find in db only if nested array dateid and voters (userid) are in manydates?

HI have trouble finding out how mongo works when trying to find data that have to match in nested arrays :frowning:

This dont work:

{'_id' : "9vCTF9XsTBodW4AL9", manydates: { "$elemMatch" : { dateid:"2019-05-09", $.voters : "CmfEWTxN7GZbKQKfY"} } }

I think the rest will work if I can get the DB Find correct.

 <v-checkbox v-on:change="checkDates(`${datelist.dateid}`, $event)" style="flex-wrap:nowrap;" v-model="checkthedates" :label="`Vælg`" :value="`${datelist.dateid}`"></v-checkbox>

            mounted () {
        const mongoDataSteps = Events.findOne( 
        {_id: this.$route.params.eventId}
    this.checkthedates = mongoDataSteps.manydates;

    "_id" : "9vCTF9XsTBodW4AL9",
    "name" : "many dates works",
    "manydates" : [ 
            "dateid" : "2019-05-09",
            "datenew" : "2019-05-09",
            "datestarttime" : "",
            "dateendtime" : "",
            "voters" : [ 
            "dateid" : "2019-05-22",
            "datenew" : "2019-05-22",
            "datestarttime" : "",
            "dateendtime" : "",
            "voters" : [ 
            "dateid" : "2019-05-03",
            "datenew" : "2019-05-03",
            "datestarttime" : "",
            "dateendtime" : "",
            "voters" : [ 
            "dateid" : "2019-05-0306:30",
            "datenew" : "2019-05-03",
            "datestarttime" : "06:30",
            "dateendtime" : "",
            "voters" : []