I have difficulty using gagarin to test Accounts.createUser

Hello, I’m trying to test if user can login from client. I’m using gagarin to that

Here’s my code.

  describe('Add User', function () {
    server = meteor();
    client = browser(server);
    let contributionStub = null;
    it('It\'s forbidden to create a user from client', function () {
      server = meteor();
      client = browser(server);
      return client.execute(function () {
          username: 'testuser',
          password: '1234567',
          email: 'test@colprod.net',
          profile: {name: 'Test User'}

It gives me an error. > User Operations Add User “before all” hook:

 Error: timeout of 5000ms exceeded

Thanks :smiley:

Try adjusting your timeout (-t option):