I would like to use "event handler" after click "btn"?

I would to do after event click like this

   'click .myBtn': function (e, t){
      // do something
 '?event after click? .myBtn': function (e, t){
      // do something after above..

Please help me.

'mouseup .myBtn'

Here is the documentation about the events managed by jQuery : http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_events.asp

But sometime I use Enter Key. It the same or not

use setTimeout in the ‘click’ event to trigger you function few milliseconds later after the click

Something like this?

Just add a property that will track if button was clicked:

   'click .myBtn': function (e, t) {
      t.isClicked = true;
      // do something
   '<any event>': function (e, t) {
      if (t.isClicked) { 
        // do something after above..
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