Ideas for Galaxy

Happy New Year everyone!

I wish you Health, Happiness and Success this year!

My suggestions for new features in the Galaxy platform and how can you turn it in one stop solution for DevOps and Hosting dedicated to Meteor projects.

  1. CDN for all static assets - Firebase use Fastly to offer Static Web Hosting - of course with Meteor the situation is more complicated, because we need and Node.js server behind, but many more developers need a working solution fast and reliable delivery and Fastly for example, can cover this - they offer 150ms purge time to all POPs and Origin Shield ideal solution for the static files from the Meteor project. Currently with CloudFlare you can do it, but you can offer even more with the tight CDN integration inside Galaxy. As a PaaS Galaxy, consuming high volumes of aggregate bandwidth you can get a really good price from them and offer high quality CDN to every Galaxy user.

  2. Firewall - platform like Galaxy need an external layer, router with firewall implementation to stop malicious activities in front, before even they touch the app. IP block on the base Predefined patterns, DDOS protection, Countries restrictions, limiting connections ( like like a Fail2ban and IPtables ) - all necessary security measures for every dev to use Galaxy vs cheap, but amateur self hosted DO solution.

  3. SSL for custom domains by default - Firebase also offer free SSL Certificate for custom domains - they use SAN multi-domains certificates - and in 2016 with HTTP2 protocol and companies like SSL out of the box need to be as easy as possible. You can collaborate with them and offer this feature.

  4. Incident notifications - alerts by email and web hooks, and the most important - integration with PagerDuty for top notch Incident Management.

  5. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment - services like a semaphoreci, codeship and wercker already offer things like, deep integration with Git, stage and production environments with different deployments rules, instant rollbacks, concurrent parallel executions for Velocity suites and notifications.

  6. Production Check similar to

  7. Autoscale - in today’s world, everything is happening so fast, one twitter or publication in techcrunch and your app is under load - add Autoscale capabilities by CPU, Memory usage, number of connections or even other metrics. Modulus, Azure web services, Jelastic and Heroku ( with addon ) already provide this feature. Add Reactivity in the Galaxy platform!

  8. Deep, automated code analyzing tool for Meteor projects like this .

  9. Two-Factor Authentication for more secure Galaxy Access.

I think to suggest and more deep stats, but Kadira already offer Everything, really great job!

I read you plan to implement your own MongoDB hosting - with current options from and MongoLab, it can wait - even a giant like Microsoft Azure outsource MySQL support DbaaS to Cleardb.

I read your business model plans to use Galaxy for the main source of revenue and profits and all of these services above can be part of this.

Well, this is for now, I`m PHP/MySQL programmer with over 17 years web development experience and just before Christmas I start to read seriously for Meteor and… honestly this is Insane!!!

Once again, I wish you all much Success and Passion and I hope this year I can release my first Meteor project :slight_smile: