Hey meteorites!
I’m having a difficult time importing client side javascript files with flow router. Without flow router, the imports work as expected but the second I introduce flow router the files aren’t loaded properly.
Here are what my files look like. Anybody out there ever experienced this ? You help is greatly appreciated
import '../imports/startup/client'; // initialize all relevant javascript
import './main.html';
<title>Welcome </title>
<template name="visitorLayout">
{{> Template.dynamic template=header }}
{{> Template.dynamic template=main }}
{{> Template.dynamic template=footer }}
<template name="adminLayout">
{{> Template.dynamic template=main }}
import '../../ui/pages/landing_page/modernizr-2.6.2.min.js';
import '../../ui/pages/landing_page/jquery.easing.1.3.js';
import '../../ui/pages/landing_page/bootstrap.min.js';
import '../../ui/pages/landing_page/jquery.waypoints.min.js';
import './routes';
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
import { BlazeLayout } from 'meteor/kadira:blaze-layout';
FlowRouter.route('/', {
action() {
BlazeLayout.render('visitorLayout', {
header : "header",
footer : "footer",
main : "index"
FlowRouter.route('/admin', {
action() {
BlazeLayout.render('adminLayout', {
main : "admin"