I’ve been using a main.less
file to import all my styles into the application and until now it’s been working flawlessly. However, I now have an NPM package with no .less
file to import, only a .css
file. So I thought that the below would work fine, but it seems to just complain mightily. What am I doing wrong?
For reproduction, I’m trying to import the CSS in https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized-select
// Bootstrap Custom Imports
@import "{}/imports/ui/stylesheets/bootstrap.less";
// NPM Packages
@import "{}/node_modules/toastr/toastr.less";
@import "{}/node_modules/react-select/less/select.less";
@import (css) "{}/node_modules/react-virtualized-select/styles.css"; // THIS LINE DOESN'T WORK
// Colors
@import "{}/imports/ui/stylesheets/planglow_colors.less";
// Custom Style Overrides
@import "{}/imports/ui/stylesheets/styles.less";
@import "{}/imports/ui/stylesheets/spacers.less";
// Components
@import "{}/imports/ui/components/Footer.less";
@import "{}/imports/ui/components/Loading.less";
@import "{}/imports/ui/components/DashboardButtons.less";
// Pages
@import "{}/imports/ui/pages/LoginPage.less";
@import "{}/imports/ui/pages/DesignCentre.less";