Impossible to capture Meteor.logginIn() value at true within autorun

Meteor.logginIn() will trigger autorun, but will always be false.

  //init preferences
  this.autorun(() => {
    let pref = Session.get("openedSidebarPreference")
    var a = Meteor.loggingIn()
    console.log("engaging init", a)
    if (pref == undefined || Meteor.loggingIn()) {
      console.log("running init", Meteor.loggingIn(), "or", pref, pref == undefined || pref == null)
    var user = UserData.findOne({_id: Meteor.userId()})
    Session.set("openedSidebarPreference", user && user.screenSize ? user.screenSize : 3)
    Session.set("openedSidebar", Session.get("openedSidebarPreference") <= Session.get("screenSize"))