Improve DevShop

Hello, I am not aware of how to reach someone of the hosts of the DevShop but as Im following it for a while Im seeing the very same issue that hasn’t been addressed so far.

Talkers are struggling with the cables every single time. Im suggesting a really simple solution using paperclips so we have more time for the talks and Q&A.

Best Regards


Yours probably is the simplest solution but i’d have a cooler one: Print some cable clips/holders :smile:

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Maybe we need to get an AppleTV in there, and just have presenters connect using AirPlay


Hey, @lyudmil, thanks for the feedback! Sam Noland and I run the San Francisco Devshops, and we noticed the same thing. We made notes to ourselves that we should:

  1. Make the HDMI cable more reachable (i.e. secure it to the podium in some way where it doesn’t fall down every time, like you suggest).
  2. Take away the power cable during lightning talks. I think multiple people got confused between the power cable and HDMI cable, and speakers shouldn’t run out of battery in 5 min. :slight_smile:

Thanks again, and I’d love to hear any other feedback people have for making the Devshop events better.


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Yeah I was wondering why everyone was plugging in power — I thought maybe you guys were telling people to do it :slight_smile: Great event last night…

Actually, my battery was really low. Which is my fault, I should have charged it, but I didn’t want any low battery warnings interrupting the talk, so the power cable was nice. :smile:

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One thing you could do for the lightning talks is probably have the presenters send you their presentations and you’ll make them available on the devshop laptop and they’ll just have to use that one?

We make that an option and a few people do take us up on it. We could perhaps do more to encourage speakers to use the provided laptop instead of their own.

Good idea. Collect the keynotes and web urls before and get them ready on one laptop. And presenters just need to switch between apps or users.

Having demos ready on a laptop means it’s difficult to use someone else’s laptop.

I would also suggest that anything wireless has a much higher error-rate, especially when a few people are connecting in and out between the talks.

I think the issue it mostly for first-time talkers, so perhaps an option would be to get all speakers to do a plug-in test prior to the talks starting?

The paperclips are a fantastic idea!!

That’s what I use at home. :smile:

I came here to post the exact same thing with the exact same image! aha! Glad I did a search first.