$inc does not work


I don’t know why itemsNumber does not get decremented… Could someone help me ?

  Products.update(pId, {
    $inc: {itemsNumber: -1}, // decrement the items number
    $push: { // add a payment information
      payments: {
        date: new Date(),
        orderId: orderId,
        transactionId: transId,
        status: "sold"


Products.update({ _id: pId }, { $inc: { itemsNumber: -1 } }, {
   $push: { // add a payment information
      payments: {
        date: new Date(),
        orderId: orderId,
        transactionId: transId,
        status: "sold"

Untested but try to separate like this.

That should work. What problem do you have? It does nothing or it throws an error?

The problem is that the push is done, I have a new “payments” info, but the number “itemsNumber” does not change.

It works with 2 differents lines

  OrbiterProducts.update(pId, {$inc: {itemsNumber: -1}}); // decrement the items number
  OrbiterProducts.update(pId, {
    $push: { // add a payment information
      payments: {
        date: new Date(),
        orderId: orderId,
        transactionId: transId,
        status: "sold"

That’s bizarre, it should work the original way! Can you submit an issue?

should be

Products.update({ _id: pId }, { $inc: { itemsNumber: -1 },  // remove extra object here
   $push: { // add a payment information
      payments: {
        date: new Date(),
        orderId: orderId,
        transactionId: transId,
        status: "sold"