$inc operator field not always incremented on client side collection


I have a server-only method that runs this code (simplified version):

    let doc_id = await collection.insertAsync({ index: 0 });
    await collection.updateAsync(doc_id, { $inc: { index: 1 } });

After this code is executed, on the server side the value of ‘index’ is always correctly incremented to ‘1’ as expected, however on the client side (Minimongo), ‘index’ value remains ‘0’ in about 70% of the cases.

When replacing the code with its sync versions:

    let doc_id = collection.insert({ index: 0 });
    collection.update(doc_id, { $inc: { index: 1 } });

The problem is still there, but less frequently, in about 20% of the cases.

I am using Meteor version 2.15.
Did anyone else experience this behavior?

Update: problem comes from using publishComposite() in ‘meteor-publish-composite’ package, regular Meteor.publish() updates client docs as expected.