Inconsistency with spacebars

Isn’t there an inconsistency in spacebars when it comes to spacebars and helpers :

Example :

 //return something from helper, needs an argument (here explicitely)
{{ getSomething "withThisArgument"  }} 

{{each argument in ListArgument }}
//returns something from helper, needs an argument (here dynamically)
{{ getSomething argument   }}

{{ > Template.TemplateA }}  //includes TemplateA
{{ > HelperA }}  // calls the helper that returns a template

// BAM does not work. The helper cannot return a template with an argument
{{> getTemplate WithThisArgument}}

Why ? because he wants to pass arguments to the new called Template like the following :

{{> getTemplate childTemplateArgument1="arg1" childTemplateArgument2="arg2"}}

And not :

 {{> getTemplate "executeHelperWithHelperArgument1"  args1 ="arg1" }}

Another inconsistency I found today:

//Here the used Template Helper
getTemplatesArray: function(){
 return [Template.a,Template.b]

Example 1 : Call multiple Templates from helper (using this) : Works

 {{#each getTemplatesArray }}
     {{> this }}

Example 2 : Call multiple Templates from helper and give Data Context (using this) : Does not work

 {{#each getTemplatesArray }}
     {{> this test="testValue" }}

Example 3 : Call multiple Templates from helper and give Data Context with different syntax (not using this) : Works

 {{#each template in getTemplatesArray }}
     {{> template test="testValue" }}

Doesn’t this seem inconsistent ?

Question related to spacebars execution order :

{{#each collectionOfSize3 }}
    {{#if someConditionThatIsAlwaysTrueAndLogsFoo}}
       {{ ConsoleLogBar }}

What is the expected output ? Try to do this theorethically please, I give the answer afterwords.