Inserting into accounts profile array after autoform insert (After filtering out keys not in the schema, your modifier is now empty)

Hey folks.
I’m using autoform to insert a “Listing” into a collection,
after this is inserted I want to place that Listing ID into an array I created in Meteor.users collection.

TLDR: This is the error I get after I click submit
Uncaught Error: After filtering out keys not in the schema, your modifier is now empty

I am using simple-schema + collection2 + autoform, here is a snippet of my schema declaration.

listings: {
type: [String],
optional: true
“listings.$”: {
type: String,
optional: true

I am also using the collection-hooks package found here :
The hook works, I have a console line that outputs the current user’s id after insert.

Here is my code on the client side -

//Add listing to user collection on submit
Listings.after.insert(function(userId, doc) {
console.log(“Inserted by:”, doc.createdBy._id);
var whoCreated = doc.createdBy._id;
Meteor.users.update({whoCreated}, {
$push: {
“profile.listings.$”: ‘testblahblah’ //this is just to see if anything at all could be inserted

Again, this is the error that comes up in the console after I submit.
Uncaught Error: After filtering out keys not in the schema, your modifier is now empty

I’m a little confused as to what to do here,
I’m not sure if my error is coming up because of my schema declaration or because of the code within the hook.

If anyone could help me out here I would really appreciate it.
Thanks a lot.

Okay. I got rid of the Meteor.users.update lines, just leaving the collection hook and a console.log line to test…
The test worked, console shows “IT WORKS”, but now the form wont submit…