I am working on a real time multi user 3d-editor which I have to integrate in an open source video conferencing app. So the aim is to work on 3d Models while conferencing. I am new in react-meteor so i have some difficulties understanding the pub/sub pattern. Actually my aim is to be able to launch a 3d Scene on all clients at the same time. So i need to insert the 3d Scene from the browser to the server by sending a message to other clients to load the scene. But i get undefined from my fetching container (ThreeDContainer) after inserting in ThreeDComponent. The Scene is created and rendered in the ThreeDComponent using babylon js Here the code:
I then create my collection on the server side ‘imports/api/three-dimension/index.js’
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
const Three = new Mongo.Collection('three-d');
if (Meteor.isServer) {
'insert': function (userId,doc){
return true;
Three._ensureIndex({ id: 1 });
export default Three;
I now created the scene and all its options(light,camera,engine), which i then render localy, but since i want it to be launched on other clients at the same time i inserted it into my “Three” collection as shown below
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Three from '/imports/api/three-dimension';
import * as BABYLON from "babylonjs";
import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth';`
.....I create the Scene with all needed options...
//Inserting Scene after conversion in binary data
sceneHandler = ()=> {
var blob = new Blob ( [ this.canvas ], { type : "octet/stream" } );
var scene = this.blob;
Three.insert({Three: scene});
} catch(e){
console.log('no data inserted');
render() {
let {width,height, ...rest} = this.props;
return (
style={{ width: window.innerWidth/2, height: window.innerHeight/2 }}
ref={canvas => {
this.canvas = canvas;
export default ThreeDComponent;
which i then publish in ‘imports/api/three-dimension/server/publisher.js’
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import Three from '/imports/api/three-dimension';
import Logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger';
import { extractCredentials } from '/imports/api/common/server/helpers';
function threeD() {
const { meetingId, requesterUserId } = extractCredentials(this.userId);
Logger.debug(`Publishing ThreeD for ${meetingId} ${requesterUserId}`);
return Three.find({userId: {$exists: false}
fields: Three
function publish(...args) {
const boundThreeD = threeD.bind(this);
return boundThreeD(...args);
Meteor.publish('three-d', publish);
Then in ThreeDContainer ‘imports/ui/components/three-dimension/container’ I subscribe and fetch the data then try rendering it there but i get the error “Container is undefined”
import React from 'react';
import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';
import ThreeDComponent from './component';
import Users from '/imports/api/users';
import Three from '/imports/api/three-dimension';
import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth';
class ThreeDContainer extends Component {
return (
<canvas width={400} height={300} render={this.threed} />
export default withTracker(() => {
const sceneHandle = Meteor.subscribe('three-d');
const threed = Three.find({}).fetch();
return {
I then call the ThreeDComponent in the App Component below, where I added a Button to launch the Scene in App I added the following to ‘imports/ui/components/app/component’
import Button from '/imports/ui/components/button/component';
import ThreeDComponent from '/imports/ui/components/three-dimension/component';
const propTypes = {
show3d: PropTypes.bool,
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
show3d: false,};
this._3dButtonClick = this._3dButtonClick.bind(this);
show3d: true,
render3d() {
return (
<Button onClick={this._3dButtonClick}>Start 3d Model</Button>
{this.state.show3d ?
<ThreeDComponent /> :
render() {
return (
Please guys let me know what i am missing…