Internationalization in React?

Is anyone working with i18n in a Meteor/React project? We used msgfmt for to get our Blaze app in English and Chinese, but now I need to get a Meteor/Redux/React app UI working in English, Japanese and Chinese. Just looking for success stories (and cautionary tales)! How did it go?


I used for internationalization in React, it was very easy but the package was made for blaze so in my next project I’ll try to use

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just got this message from a friend. Thought I’d share:

I used
i18next internationalization framework

Then I wrapped it in a react a component

There is an official react version of that package but I found it unnecessarily complicated

If you’re interested, the react branch of the todos app was updated to use universe:i18n (you can see the specifics here), which is the Guide’s current React i18n recommendation.

I’m using universe:i18n in ReelCrafter. Though admittedly, I’m only using English right now. :wink: But there are already two benefits: 1) I’m in a position where I can easily add a second language, and 2) all my UI verbiage is together in a single file, so I don’t have to go hunting around in hundreds of JS files for it.

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Thanks Sam! Sorry I don’t remember but is ReelCrafter a React or Blaze project?

No prob! It’s React.

We startet using which uses yaml-files for the translations in two mantra-projects.

We soon created an adapter/service for it to add more functionality. We also wanted to replace the yaml-files with something that is collection-based, so that the customer can change their texts themselves.

I released that service as a npm-package:

It can use two different types of storages: a collection-storage and the yaml-storage from

It further provides a <T>-Component (also inspired from
which has additional features:

  • It allows the devs or admins to see the keys instead of the translation on demand. E.g. in our apps the user can press and hold the ALT-Key to show the translations (with help of
  • An admin or dev can click on a <T>-Component to jump to the translation (you have to provide a function or action for that). E.g. in our apps, the admin can jump to a form where he or she can update the texts (with

does this package support plurals?

with messageFormat:

{{#mf KEY=‘there_are_widgets’ NUM=getNum}}
There {NUM, plural,
=0 {are no widgets}
one {is one widget}
other {are # widgets}

There are no widgets.
There are 2 widgets.