Introducing my first package: validated-template

Hi everyone.

So… I have finally attempted to make my very first package to submit to atmosphere. In the spirit of the validated-method package, I have created validated-template.

I am still doing work on this, so there are likely mistakes and bugs. I was just excited to get the idea out there and get some early feedback if possible. Still new with this type of stuff, so please bear with me.

Why did I make this?

  • Remove unnecessary boilerplate while promoting best practices as per the MDG guide.
  • React-like aliases will allow for easier refactors later on if view layers are to be changed.
  • Sashko said I should!


What does it do?
Not much! Haha. Really! It’s only like 30 lines of code. You make your events, helpers, and callbacks like you normally do and the package will just take care of some of the boilerplate for you.


  • Generally, a simplified syntax for defining template logic in a very lightweight package.
  • Provide a validateProps function that will automatically be placed in an autorun for you. This will validate the data context provided to the template. Right now, this isn’t dependant on anything, so you can use check, simple-schema, astronomy or roll your own.
  • Provide default properties via the getDefaultProps function. The function will set the default properties to the data context before validating it. Must return an object. Only runs the first time when created. This is intentionally named after the React API.
  • Automatically create and attach a state object to the template. The default state can be set via the getInitialState function. Must return an object. Only runs the first time when created. This is intentionally named after the React API.
  • Automatically create a state helper. This will allow you to access any property inside state directly in your template. Giving it a parameter will provide you the value of that specific property; no parameters will just return the entire state object.
  • Automatically create a helper simply called t that will just return the template instance. If you have anything else attached to the template instance, you can access it directly through this helper.
  • All standard Blaze actions will be applied as usual. So onCreated, onRendered, onDestroyed, helpers and events behave like normal. The above features are augmented to these without impacting the general behaviour of them.
  • An alias for onCreated called componentWillMount
  • An alias for onRendered called componentDidMount
  • An alias for onDestroyed called componentWillUnmount

What still needs to be done

  • I need to write formal tests. I haven’t done this before, so bear with me!
  • More rigorous testing in general. I have only done tests against the sample to-do app so far.
  • I’d like to provide warnings and/or errors if the API is used incorrectly. I want people to feel safe using this. Really make it feel like you are just using Blaze but with a slightly different API.
  • I’d like to only have the property validation run in development mode, just like React.
  • Improve README.
  • Improve documentation in the code itself.

ValidatedTemplate comes with support for all of Meteor’s standard template methods, plus some extras:

  • ValidatedTemplate
    • {string} templateName
    • {object} actions
    • {function} getDefaultProps
    • {function} validateProps
    • {function} getInitialState
    • {function} onCreated
    • {function} onRendered
    • {object} helpers
    • {object} events
    • {function} onDestroyed

Full API usage:

ValidatedTemplate('myTemplate', {
  getDefaultProps() {
    // Return an object
  validateProps() {
    // Validate data context
  getInitialState() {
    // Return an object
  onCreated() {
    // Stuff to do on created.
  onRendered() {
    // Stuff to do on rendered.
  helpers: {
    myHelper() {
      // Put something on the template.
  events: {
    'click .something'() {
      // Do something on click.
  onDestroyed() {
    // Stuff to do on destroyed.
  // React-like aliases
  componentWillMount() {
    // Same as onCreated.
  componentDidMount() {
    // Same as onRendered.
  componentWillUnmount() {
    // Same as onDestroyed.

Questions and Requests

  • My first question is: Is it possible to detect if an application is running in dev mode or production?
  • Second question: Are the dependencies ok? Right now, it depends on templating. Not sure if that is the best thing to have, or if there is a ‘smaller’ dependency I could use.
  • I am open to any suggestions!
  • I am also open to the idea that this package isn’t even a good idea! Honestly! My initial goal was to just put something on github and atmosphere for learning purposes, since I have done neither before. I still need to learn how to use TinyTest. Learning this stuff was my main motivation.
  • Feel free to critique that actual code. There isn’t much to read! If there are better ways to write things, I’d love to know.

This is still in development so please be gentle!

The code can be found here: