Introducing the StarryNight utility

Hi all!
In celebration of Meteor Cookbook’s 1000th star (thanks everybody for all of the support!) I’m excited to release a little utility today that’s been in the works for the past year or so: StarryNight.

StarryNight is an application life-cycle management utility for Meteor, somewhat similar to rails generate, spacejam, abee, mrt, and similar utilities. The difference being that a) I wrote it, and b) it’s a bit more focused on things like scaffolding new applications, launching test frameworks, using cookbook recipes, and the like.

You can find the project homepage and npm repository at:

StarryNight is the culmination of a year of research on the best way to launch testing frameworks like selenium and nightwatch (which is way more complicated than you might initially expect), and two years of writing the Meteor Cookbook. It also sort of marks my foray into the world of node tool development, and not just doing app development.

It took me a long time to figure out how to refactor the script into a node utility; and once I did, I had learned so much that it made sense to go ahead and include a bunch of other utility commands that I felt have been missing from the Meteor ecosystem… repository cloning, file permission audits, component generators, etc.

So, long story short, Meteor Cookbook now has a utility tool. :smile:

Anyhow, the tool is very new and only has a few basic scaffolds, and the api is under heavy development. But if you want to kick the tires, feel free to do so.

Also, for everybody who’s been using the clinical:nightwatch and velocity:nightwatch-framework packages, those packages are now slated to be deprecated and become abandonware. All future nightwatch development will be with the StarryNight utility. So better to publish it and announce it, since all future nightwatch work of mine will be there.



Does it leverage the scaffolding ooomph of Yeoman?

I had taken a look at Meteor Cookbook before, but somehow I must’ve missed how great of a resource it is. Thanks for all the work you put into it! Looking forward to playing with StarryNight

@warehouseman… thanks for sharing about Yeoman! It wasn’t on my radar, but looking through it… yeah, they are very similar tools. The big difference is that StarryNight uses Atmosphere and Meteor instead of npm and grunt for it’s package management and build tools. StarryNight is early enough in it’s development cycle that the generator implementation is still just a basic clone-and-copy-subdirs (the -pattern option), so the yo command could find it’s way into the tool for help with the generators. I’ll do some research to see if it makes sense to include it.

@Rich… thanks for the kind words! Yeah, the Cookbook isn’t as flashy as Discover Meteor or MeteorHacks or some of the other resources out there; but I like to think it provides high-value. There’s a website in the works, but I’m taking my time in building it.


Dear Abigail

I have installed StarryNight and I see nothing about Yeoman. (I had seen comments from others that if any does a scaffolding tool for Meteor it ought to be based on Yeoman, but I don’t really know enough about Yeoman to have my own opinion.)

Following through the steps on the StarryNight tool’s web page I have hit a snag.

yourself@qtst:~/projects/helloworld$ starrynight -survey acceptance
Launching StarryNight.  Analyzing meteor environment...
Detected a meteor instance...
Launching nightwatch bridge...

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn ENOENT
    at errnoException (child_process.js:988:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:779:34)

yourself@qtst:~/projects/helloworld$ meteor update
This project is already at Meteor, the latest release.
Your packages are at their latest compatible versions.

yourself@qtst:~/projects/helloworld$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l

yourself@qtst:~/projects/helloworld$ npm --version

Any ideas?


There’s a whole controversy about the right task runner for Node based projects. Here is a sample from HackerNews : Why we should stop using Grunt and Gulp In the light of that, you might want to get feedback on the right way to go. I am new to Meteor and the Node ecosystem, really – so not qualified to expound my own opinions.

At the same time I am very interested in building myself a minimum effort development environment, so I am playing with Meteoris at the moment.

If I can get my head around StarryNight I might switch, :wink:

Sincere regards,

@awatson1978 - I love the Cookbook, and this is an effort I want to check out. But the language around it seems to be posing StarryNight in opposition to Velocity (single tool vs collection of packages, etc) Is MDG not happy with the direction of Velocity because it doesn’t ‘embrace the existing testing tools used by MDG’ ? Could be clarified, if not… Personally, I’d love if my package test runs (tinytest, or mocha) would be more accessible under CI, but haven’t figured out if I need to PR Velocity for that or try a tool like Starry Night ?

Also, if you’re interested, I’ve worked on bootstrapping new packages: current state of the art is here at - I think helping people get started is rad, and I applaud (most any) attempt to ease people into the Meteoric way :smile:

Thanks for the kind words, @deanius. And great to see your package-kitchen utility! Definitely the kind of tool that we need more of.

I can’t speak for MDG, since I’m not part of it. But let’s just say that it was me who wasn’t happy with the direction or architecture of Velocity. So I quit a couple of weeks ago, after the Velocity team voted out some of my contributions for the nth time, and decided to take my efforts elsewhere.

Managed to accomplish more in a week of coding than I had with 6 or 9 months of trying to integrate Nightwatch with the Velocity architecture or the Meteor Tool.

StarryNight is a very different vision of what testing with Meteor can/should be. Much more along the lines of SpaceJam, in that it embraces TinyTest as a core testing framework, and is its own command line tool. (By contrast, Velocity still doesn’t support TinyTest after 9 months). Velocity is… well, I don’t know exactly what it’s trying to be. It’s own Continuous Integration SaaS solution, maybe? StarryNight is much more focused on app-lifecycle management.

And it’s working well enough that I’m planning on putting the full brand of the Meteor Cookbook behind it, and/or converting the Cookbook into the manual for StarryNight. To date, I’ve ran somewhere around 400,000 tests through the Nightwatch framework over the past year, and the StarryNight utility is the culmination of that experience. (By contrast, I was barely ever able to get 5,000 tests ran through Velocity, with its mirrors and file watchers and package based architecture.)

Also, I’m planning on doubling the number of commands next week, and have nearly 2 dozen commands in the works. So, I’ve got a ton of features planned, and am rocking-and-rolling with this new utility. Now that I don’t have Velocity slowing me down, I’m not looking back!


@awatson1978 - first of all, great last name :wink:

Second of all: I am just starting to look into testing meteor applications. It is the area I lack the most knowledge. I just listened to the Meteor Interviews podcast episode with Sam Hatoum where they talk about testing with Velocity. I am interested in your package and will have to keep an eye on it.

What are the key differences between StarryNight and Velocity? What would you say to someone new to testing about which direction to take?

What an inspiring quote from a valuable resource:

I can’t imagine that sentence ever occurring again! It feels recursive?

Hi Charles! I noticed you had a great last name, too! :wink:

So, Velocity is sort of a drop-in continuous-integration server which you add to your meteor build pipeline. It’s comprised of packages from within the Atmosphere ecosystem, and has a modular design allowing people to add custom testing solutions. If you have very specific testing requirements and say ‘I must test with such-and-such process or technology’, then Velocity gives you a way to integrate that into your build pipeline (in theory). In practice, I found the architecture heavily biased towards a specific style of unit testing, and to ignore the needs of people doing acceptance testing, load testing, and other forms of testing. Velocity is trying to introduce best-practices from the greater testing world into the Meteor ecosystem. Yet, oddly, sort of ignores TinyTest in the process, since everybody is trying to find a replacement for it. Oh, Velocity has a snazzy reactive UI that one can load into the browser.

StarryNight on the other hand, assumes you’re going to use a third party continuous-integration service, such as Travis, BrowserStack, or SauceLabs. It’s much more pragmatic, and is concerned with documenting and automating scripts for getting your app under QA, so it can go into production. Rather than using packages, StarryNight is built using node, runs from the command line, and exists as a tool that you run in addition to meteor. It’s a bit more suited for folks who don’t care how they get testing started, and would rather use whatever has been shown to work well with Meteor. StarryNight also supports TinyTest, which is used by MDG for testing core meteor packages, and is trying to extend that process with more tools rather than replacing it.

tl;dr - StarryNight is a utility for building apps and getting them under QA asap, rather than an attempt at building a new type of continuous-integration technology.

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Also, many thanks to @hwillson on and @meonkeys for some initial pull-requests, help in cleaning up documentation, and getting the first update ready!

Just published version 0.1.10 to npm, which includes dynamic pathing, and should (in theory) provide support for Linux, Windows, and any other situation where node might get installed to a custom install path.

Updated documentation just got pushed to the project page:

I’ve also seeded the Issues and Milestones with a basic roadmap of where the utility is headed in the upcoming weeks:


StarryNight 0.2.0 just released. Updates include:

New Commands

  • display-env
  • run-tests
  • run-framework
  • extract-ids
  • extract-classes
  • extract-tests-for
  • generate-travis

New Frameworks

Experimental Frameworks

You can now use syntax such as the following to both run tests and for continuous integration servers:

$ starrynight run-framework nightwatch
$ starrynight run-framework tinytest-ci

The experimental frameworks have the various libraries installed; but don’t have the necessary configuration files or sample test files in place to be scaffolded in.

StarryNight 0.2.61 released this morning (codename: Constellations).

New Features

  • package refactoring/creation utility
  • filesystem scanning
  • isomorphic validation testing API
  • better tinytest integration
  • chromedriver
  • filesystem compact and cleanup utility

New Commands
create --package namespace:foo --from /client/components/foo
run-tests --framework nightwatch --autogenerated

See the snazzy new documentation at

Edit: Sorry for any inconveniences with that small window where 0.2.61 wasn’t published to npm yet. It’s now published and available for download.

It installed on Linux no problem :smile:, but I’m still struggling to get it onto Windows. I’ll keep you posted.

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Also, bump to 3.2.61, to reflect previous repositories and development efforts.

Revision History

Versions 0.x.x
Bash script based launcher. Had problems with installing and attaching to Selenium.

Versions 1.x.x
Package based architecture, as recommended by Velocity team. Had problems with installing executables after Meteor 0.9 which didn’t provide +x executable permissions.

Versions 2.x.x
Package based architecture, as recommended by Velocity team, using unit-testing API hooks. Had multiple problems with mirrors, test-proxies, and unit-testing architectural assumptions. Abandoned after developer quit Velocity project.

Versions 3.x.x

Node.js utility based architecture.

TL;DR: I got StarryNight installed, but couldn’t get it to run. YMMV.

So, I finally have something to report wrt Windows. I stripped Windows back to a bare installation to find out what a Windows developer might need to install prior to installing StarryNight.


  1. nodejs and npm. Don’t do what I did and install the latest version of node. Things will break. I eventually installed our old friend version 0.10.36. I used the msi file from, which also installs npm 1.4.28.
  2. python. I installed version 2.7 from Version 3.4.3 might work - I didn’t try.
  3. You need a C compiler. I installed Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2013 from Other C compilers might work, I don’t know. The errors I saw prior to installing this referenced Visual Studio, so I took the route of least pain (but probably longest ever installation time). You should check the licence if you are using it commercially.
  4. Check your PATH settings. node and npm seemed to set this up for me. So did Visual Studio, after a reboot, but python didn’t. If you don’t know where to check/set, click the Windows button, right click on Computer, select properties -> advanced system settings -> Environment Variables (Win7).

From here, you can now open up a command prompt and install starrynight:

npm install -g starrynight

During this I got a handful of warnings:

warning C4506: no definition for inline function 'v8::Persistent<v8::Object> v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::New(v8::Handle<v8::Object>)' [C:\users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\starrynight\node_modules\pioneer\node_modules\selenium-webdriver\node_modules\ws\node_modules\bufferutil\build\bufferutil.vcxproj]

warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc [C:\users\***\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\starrynight\node_modules\mrtbulkrelease\node_modules\sync-prompt\build\sync_prompt.vcxproj]

However, the installation completed ok :smile:, although on my core i5 laptop it took 3 hours :worried:!

Unfortunately, when I tried to add the nightwatch scaffolding:

starrynight scaffold --framework nightwatch

I got the following error:

Starting scaffolding of nightwatch tests...
{ [Error: ENOENT, lstat 'C:\Users\rfallows\AppData\Roaming\npm\lib\node_modules\starrynight\scaffolds\sample-tests\nightwatch']
  errno: 34,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  path: 'C:\\Users\\rfallows\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\lib\\node_modules\\starrynight\\scaffolds\\sample-tests\\nightwatch' }

The issue seems to be with no lstat command in Windows. I have checked cygwin, GnuWin and MinGW and cannot find a Windows equivalent. Currently stuck!


Epic installation! Good reminder of what all we take for granted when working within a single OS environment.

I’ll create an issue to track this, and we can get things sorted out.

StarryNight looks interesting. A little tricky to find on Google, but I got there. :smile:

Is there a getting started, or beginners walk through? I’m struggling to grasp the concept, never mind how I’d actually use it in practice. I’ve read most of this thread and the readme and so on, but I’m not quite getting it yet…

PS> Or an example project using the tool?

There’s a section in the Readme called Examples that has a fairly extensive tutorial that starts with a helloworld app, adds database and server/client functionality, and then testing scripts. That’s the beginner’s walkthrough. I’m going to add screenshots and break that tutorial out into a separate section next week.