iOS Simulator couldn't connect server ( Meteor.status().status == waiting )

Hi guys,

meteor create mobileTest
cd meteorTest
meteor run ios-device --mobile-server (–local-ip-address):3000

Running app on simulator = Meteor.status().state - never connect.
I thought this functionality should work out-of-box

  1. set correct to my (–local-ip-address)
  2. no help with adding browser-policy and server code BrowserPolicy.content.allowOriginForAll(“http://meteor.local”);

Mobile development out of priority right now?

This should indeed work. Can you be a little more specific about what is going on? What version of Meteor are you running? What log messages do you see in the Xcode console?

METEOR@ release. XCode Version 7.0.1, OSX El Capitain 10.11
Simulator: iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.0 (13A340).

Completely empty project, nothing added.

So are you sure the server is running and this is the right IP? Could you try with localhost?

Server is up and running, this is my localhost, I could access it from desktop chrome and safari.
But it seems not connecting it from Emulator safari.

Okay, it seems to work on real device, but don’t on emulator. Development on device is quite slow …

I think iOS 9 simulator problem related to Apple new App Transport Security.
If anyone could have experience with configuring Cordova + Meteor 1.2 and iOS 9 simulator, please share.

It seems I have the same issue.
The message I get is “waiting for server connection”.
I have no error in the terminal.
Connection via a browser on localhost:3000 works fine.

When I simulate the todos example it does not seem to have any issues to connect to the server though.

El capitan 10.11.1
XCode 7.1
Simulator v 9.1
Meteor 1.1.6
