IRON-ROUTER; Route to path of post that was just created

Hello. I need some help routing to the post i just created after cliking the submit button.

I create my posts with the following events helper.{
"submit .newarguement": function(event) {
    var name =;
    var arguement =;
    var tag1 =;
    var tag2 =;
    var tag3 =;
    var file = $('#productImage').get(0).files[0];
    if (file) {
        fsFile = new FS.File(file);
        ArguementCollection.insert(fsFile, function(err, result) {
            if (!err) {
                var productImage =
                    '/cfs/files/ArguementCollection/' +  result._id;
                    name: name,
                    arguement: arguement,
                    tag1: tag1,
                    tag2: tag2,
                    tag3: tag3,
                    image: productImage,
                    username: Meteor.user().username,
                    userId: Meteor.userId()
    } else {
        var productImage = '/img/empty.jpg';
            name: name,
            arguement: arguement,
            tag1: tag1,
            tag2: tag2,
            tag3: tag3,
            image: productImage,
            username: Meteor.user().username,
            userId: Meteor.userId()
    } = ""; = ""; = ""; = "";
    toastr.success("You just made a post!");
    return false;

And as you can see, the route sends the post back to the homepage after submission. Each post however has its own page which is served by the route

this.route('onearguement', {
    path: '/arguement/:_id',
    data: function() { return Posts.findOne(this.params._id); }

I’d like to change the route in my events helper so that when the form is submitted , it immediatemy takes me to the individual page of the post that was just created.

Thanks .

Add callback to Post.insert and redirect anywhere with post._id
But I’m prefer methods.

I am still in development stage so I will not be using methods for a while. About the call backs, if the code isn’t too long can you please write it down for me? I am very new to Meteor.

  Post.insert({...}, function(err, result) {
       if(!err) {
           Router.go('routename', {_id: result});

Of course, you have to create route routename for your post with _id param.

my dear, its not working. can you please give me more. ive already created the route to the individual page and it works. but my event helper is so complex, i dont know how your code is going to fit in. ive tried its not working.

And this is why I’m using methods (-:
OK. I think, the problem is what on client after Post.insert() you have fake _id right after insertion. When you receive the server response and your database is synced, the fake _id that was generated no longer exists, but Router.go() already tried to redirect to fake _id.
Maybe I’m wrong…
Use methods (-: