Is DDP working when Mobile client offline or running in background?

I am try to implement “chat” application using meteorJS with IOS and Android client which is build from Cordova. If both client are online, they could get the real time data from Meteor server via DDP. My question is if one of clients offline or push the app to the background, how does client get the new message or notification from other pair chatter?

I can’t say for sure with IOS, but here is my experience with creating a similar app for android.

If the app gets fully closed ddp is disconnected. If the app is put into the background the app stays active and ddp stays connected for around 10-15 minutes. After this the app becomes inactive and ddp is disconnected. Best thing I have found is to implement push notifications when the user is off line. From there they can bring your application back to the foreground.

Thanks for your reply. Which client DB are you using to store offline data? GroundDB? Which push notification package are you using to push notification to client?

ground:db, and raix:push, both are actually authored by @raix