Thanks! A little note regarding async/await: it’s best if you understand a bit of the history of dealing with asynchronous stuff in javascript.
The original approach was using callbacks: asynchMethod(function(err, res) { react here })
Then came promises promise = asyncMethod(); promise.then(function(res) {}).catch(function(err) {})
Then came async, which works with promises in the background: try { res = await asynchMethod() } catch(e) {}
Yeah good find! Our friends at Graphcool, a GraphQL backend as a service, produced this resource to teach people about Apollo Client. Just launched yesterday! It is a great resource to follow and they have an endpoint already set up for you, then after that you just need to learn how to set up a GraphQL API.
The only real difference between a mutation and a query is the word mutation. Interestingly, there is nothing stopping a query from including a side effect just like a mutation.
It made me think and try. And it turns out you can just as easily nest mutations.
Say you have an app with several distinct scenes. Your query could be something like:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
#parent query for scene 1
sceneOne: SceneOne
#parent query for scene 2
sceneTwo: SceneTwo
You can make the same kind of system for your mutations:
type Mutation {
sceneOne: SceneOne
Now, your sceneOne queries AND mutations both point to the same SceneOne type. Your SceneOne type could be defined as:
type SceneOne {
someSceneData: [ String ]
someOtherSceneData: [ Int ]
mutations: Mutations
someSceneData is a query for that particular scene, and mutations contains all your Mutations for that scene:
type Mutations {
setSomeSceneData( myVar: String!): Boolean
In this way, you have one GraphQL-tree where your mutations are nested side-by-side your queries. Another way could be to build 2 parallel trees ,one for queries, one for mutations.
I actually have no idea if it is a good idea to nest things like this or not, but to me it seems a lot more organized and structured.