Is it possible to use Reactjs + meteor + highcharts?

Trying to display some data in my app (meteor & reactjs) with higcharts package but I’m still confused and don’t get it to work.

Does anyone have a working example of using highcharts with Meteor and React?


Have you tried using the react-highcharts package from NPM? It’s working fine in my app. If you need some example code let me know, but the docs are pretty good too.

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@zachdixon,Cool, I ll give it a try and let you know; thank’s

@zachdixon are you able to show the highchart? If you do, can you share your code here. Thanks

side note:

Highcharts is not free to use in commercial projects.

If you need another library, you can try out this:

Checkout the v2-branch, as this supports the chartjs v2-library. Its not totally stable yet, but works pretty well so far.

Hi, I am using Meteor 1.3 and trying to use react optimized npm highchart package, However I could not display highchart graph on my page. Can anyone clarify this problem. Thanks in advance.

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