@serkandurusoy has posted an answer (which may help) to a similar question here:
If that’s not answering your question you’ll have to be more specific. Writing custom authentication is hard to get right - and if a bank is involved it will need to be demonstrably secure.
@robfallows. Indeed…ill describe the flow of the data… the end user via a mobile money platform apply to create an account with us by entering his pin code for his mobile money account and the amount he wants to put in.this payload is then sent over to the bank webservice(which is that my rest api will interact with).the bank takes care of everything payment related and just sends us a response saying the client has paid and it also provides us with his name,telephoneno and amount EX: { name:'xxxx', telephone:'+0000000', amount:'100000' paymentDone:true }.
Upon reception of the paymentDone flag through the api it should trigger an account creation with the data.Once the account is created i return a code 200 to the bank which in turns return a "Success message "to the end user through the mobile money platform.Other routes for that webservice are:
-allowing the end user to check his account status(active,suspended,inactive)
-top up his account
-withdraw money from his account
From what i could gather in the document ive been given.The bank shall handle mostly everything money related.I will only receive their ok to let them through the api to create stuff of request stuff.
@robfallows…i could do the above using what you told me…simple:rest and the other packages if i were dealing with mongodb…Authentication is the part i havent figured out yet…Anyways i guess if it comes down to this…ill ask if we can host a mongo database on our server that will only exist for that web service and then schedule a task that will copy its content the weekend into the main sqlServer…
Baf no this would require much more work i think.