After I learned that Blaze is not maintained anymore by MeteorJS team,
I was thinking that I will be deprecated soon… 2022 and it is still maintained by someone.
I would like to know if it is safe to start a new Project with blaze in 2022.
I’ve been using Blaze since Meteor 1.0, and still use it on my latest project built on Meteor 2.7.3. Yes its great, and quite straightforward to learn.
I’ve been using Blaze since Meteor 1.0, and still use it on my latest project built on Meteor 2.7.3. Yes its great, and quite straightforward to learn.
Same here
There’s even work ongoing for Blaze 3.0 thanks to the Community
Mostly - I’m just waiting for SvelteKit to mature and to see what the back-end strategy for a Svelte app looks like (hopefully not GraphQL centric). Otherwise as a view layer it’s really awesome. They really hit the abstractions right imo
I also loved very much the logic of BlazeJS. It is much like a vanilla html+js
but also gives all the advantages that React or Svelte provides.
I first learned Blaze, and after that had experience with React and Vue and Svelte…
To be honest the Blaze was the most convenient of all…
So I think it is just not Advertised enough… It is under-rated,
and so unfortunately there are no Job Positions that would ask for it.
There isn’t any learning curve. Just write the way you should do. Newcomers or open source developers can easily adopt and start to contribute from day one. Besides that the packages are good enough to build real world applications.
I can’t say it has all the advantages of vue etc. but it can be improved and can break things in frontend world easily.
Here +1.
If you ask it for ‘Safe’, which means that the front-end security reason,
I want to say that the most important thing for security is the way coding to be safe, not the platform it is.
Usually official maintain could be better than none-official maintain, but the front-end frameworks has similiar base for web technology. So I don’t think it is the the reason for Not safe for the blaze.
If someone prefers ‘Most Famous & Hot & Modern Platform’, I think the Meteor itself might not be the best choice for them. So I think the reason, “meteor only echosystem”, couldn’t be the appropriate comparison. And the other reasons are not acceptable for me also, like some people in here
The best framework is the framework can be used well by oneself. And blaze has a great point of view distinguished from the other frameworks.
So I recommand that just try it everyone who wants to understand pros & cons between Frameworks.
Though I would suggest trying Vue, which is heavily influnced by Blaze
or Solid, which has React like syntax and workflow, but uses a reactivity model much more similar to Blaze (and gives you nicer conditional templating
like Blaze)
I mean, you’re kind of taking the advantages of Blaze and flipping them as weaknesses
Which one of those points is an advantage? I get the elegance of Blaze together with Pub/sub and Tracker, but the rest are clear disadvantages. These are valid points. Someone asked for an opinion and here is mine.
@macrozone Just want to comment on that, no offense though:
it only works with meteor and only if you use Tracker-based reactive data sources
Yes, it’s tightly coupled to Tracker.
performance is only optimal if you use reactive data sources (Session, Collections)
With IntersectionObserver or MutationObserver you can get a decent performance when rendering many elements. If there are performance issues you think are due to the Blaze-code itself, please leave an issue so we can get our hands on.
no type safety
We are currently moving Blaze to es6 (yeah, late at the party but it never happened…) and after that we intend to add TS.
very limited ecosystem (meteor only)
What do you mean by that? Do you refer to what can be used in combination with Blaze? If you found a library on NPM that does not work with Blaze, pelase leave an issue. We use lots of Web standards with Blaze and they all work fine, we also use many thirdparty libs from NPM with Blaze and they also all work fine.
Far less powerful than react or other modern frontend libraries
In which regard? Please let me know, because we intend to improve it but I don’t know what “powerful” means here exactly.
you will have harder time to find developers for it, code base will be harder to maintain
That’s indeed true, but it’s also easy to learn and I know React code that is unmaintainable from the beginning, since the devs simply coded it down that moment it was necessary and never thought about maintenance. Sure this will be true for any framework/library.
future of blaze is unclear
It’s still under the hand of Meteor Software but has already been opened to the community, which is why I refer to this when I say “we”.
The more the community gets involved the clearer is the future imo.
no server side rendering
I don’t know about that but maybe @storyteller knows about this?