Is possible pass options like params {} in a writeHead to redirect to other location?

I’m trying to pass options hash in a iron router server side like this:

this.response.writeHead(302, {“Location”: “/results/” + busq.id_investigador}, {id_investigador: busq.id_investigador});

Is possible this?
The idea is that when i run the ‘sales’ path this redirect me to other path (results) but with a option hash like a dictionary.

And the results path set like /results/id_investigador --> ex: 6WCoQ6YAAAAJ

It is undserstood?

Router.route('/sales', function(){
  var busq = Busquedas.findOne({id_investigador : Busquedas.findOne({sec : Busquedas.find().count()}).id_investigador});

  this.response.writeHead(302, {"Location": "/results/" + busq.id_investigador}, {id_investigador: busq.id_investigador});


}, {where : "server"});