Is there a build in solution for handling emails especially, forgot password, password reset in Apollo?

i dont have any background in meteor js. so wondering if theres’ a a package in Appolo that community likes to use ?

Your suggestion would be helpful.

Trying to use Apollo especially with no experience with Meteor is a step you should rethink. I think you should learn the Meteor basics first - handling emails, forgot password, password reset etc Meteor already tackled these. Once you’re comfortable using them, transitioning to Apollo with your shiny set of skills should be seamless. if you still want to go your path, take a look at VulcanJS

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For accounts we use Auth0.

For email templates, we use Mandrill. It supports handlebars templates. You create the templates in mandrill, then pass the values from Meteor. It’s a nice solution. Allows changing the email text outside of your application, so you can fix typos and change the copy without redeploying your app.

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